Thursday, November 20, 2014


Its so easy to forget sometimes,
the little bubbly laughs
the funny way he sneezes
the awkward shuffle he does down every aisle in the grocery store, just to make me smile.

The world whirls around me and I lose sigh of the light at the end of my tunnel.
Ah its so dreadfully unfair of me.

My sunshine, oh he shines so bright.
And the only time he dims is when I block him with pointless clouds.
God I love him.

The way he lets me use him as furniture, no sit this way, no lay here, wait I can't see the t.v.
The time he gives up to watch my stupid shows, and the patient way he watches me as I explain them.
The soft noises he makes as he falls asleep next to me.
Oh, how I love him.
His  little happy wiggle.
His, I look good today face, he makes in the mirror.
Awe his sneeze. I love the way he sneezes.

Its silly, loving someone so much.

Noticing all the tiny things.

Worrying about the stupidest things.

Fighting about the petty things.

And laughing about the scary things.

Always together.
Forever, promise